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Society of Renewable Energy Universitas Indonesia
Jul 08, 2022
In Sekolah & Kampus
[SRE UI x Xurya Daya Indonesia: Company Visit] Greetings, Energizens!⚡️ The wait is over! SRE UI Company Visit is coming very very soon! Let’s get ready to visit Xurya Daya Indonesia, a renewable energy start-up that is engaged in the Solar field! Through this Webinar, we will be able to visit the company virtually to learn more about the potential use of Solar Energy in Indonesia in the near future, and also the business process of the company. Moreover, we can also get some tips on recruitment of the company!👷🏻‍♂️ Mark your calendar on: 📆 : Thursday, July 14th, 2022 ⏰ : 15.00 WIB 📍 : Zoom Meetings Register yourself through: Bold, Adaptive, Professional SRE UI 2021 #RenewableAct
SRE UI Company Visit: PT Xurya Daya Indonesia content media
Society of Renewable Energy Universitas Indonesia
Mar 30, 2021
In Workshop & Seminar
Do you have what it takes to work in the field of #RenewableEnergy? Presenting a green-jobs themed webinar titled: "Answering the Youth’s Curiosity About Future Green Jobs in Indonesia” ✨FREE and OPEN FOR ALL✨ 👥Day 1 Speakers (3rd of April 2021) 1. Dr. Ir. Handra Iswahyudi M.Si. (Director of Planning and Development of Infrastructure, Kementrian ESDM EBTKE) 2. M. Ghozie Indra Dalel (Project Development and Advisory Director at PT. SMI) 👥Day 2 Speakers (4th of April 2021) 1. Fernando Napitupulu (Project Manager at General Electric (GE) Renewable Energy) 2. Handriyanti Diah Puspitarini, PhD (Senior Researcher in Renewable Energy at IESR) 3. Norman Harsono (Energy Journalist at Jakarta Post) Benefits for joining Career Talk SRE UI: 1. E-Certificate 2. Gain knowledge about the action plan in preparing for green jobs 3. Insights concerning green jobs prospect to expand opportunities for careers in the field of Renewable Energy 🗓TIME REGISTRATION: March 27thth - April 2nd 2021 23.59 GMT+7 Don't forget to register yourself at: ➡️⬅️ For further information please contact via LINE: reinalla or WA: 081283747308 (Reisya Nabila) Email:
CAREER TALK SRE UI - DAY 1 content media
Society of Renewable Energy Universitas Indonesia
Mar 23, 2021
In Sekolah & Kampus
Hi!👋🏼 We, from Society of Renewable Energy UI would like to invite all youth to join our webinar with the theme: "Post-Graduation Dilemma: Pursuing Career or Education in Renewable Energy] ✨FREE✨ 👥Speakers 1. Dewi Septanty Widyaningrum (Social and Environmental Specialist at Indonesia Infrastructure Finance, LPDP Scholarship Awardee) 2. Fadhil Ahmad Qamar (Master of Science in Sustainable Energy Technology at Technische Universiteit Delft) 3. Anissa Suharsono (Energy Policy Associate at International Institute for Sustainable Development) Benefits for joining Pre Event Career Talk SRE UI: 1. E-Certificate. 2. Knowledge about the action plan in preparing for studying abroad. 3. Insights related to Master education levels, especially universities and majors that are related to Sustainable / Renewable Energy. 4. Insights into job prospects for Master graduates in the field of Sustainable / Renewable Energy to expand opportunities for a career in the NRE field. 🗓Register yourself at: Registration will be closed on March 26th 2021 23.59! For further information contact us via: LINE: reinalla WA: 081283747308 (Reisya Nabila) Email: IG: @sre.ui See you!👋🏼
PRE-EVENT CAREER TALK SRE UI 2021 content media
Society of Renewable Energy Universitas Indonesia
Jan 29, 2021
In Workshop & Seminar
Insight on the latest battery technology developments and its future prospects are hot topics to discuss to create a clean energy climate. NBRI x SRE UI x ELGIE presents a webinar series with the theme of Now and Future Battery Technology WEBINAR. This event will be held on February 8, 2021 at 15.00 - 17.00 WIB via Zoom Meeting Conference. This webinar will be presented by: - Prof. Evvy Kartini, founder of National Battery Research Indonesia - Dimas Yunianto Putro, as young researchers in the field of post-lithium batteries. Register now for FREE and get E-CERTIFICATE!
Teknologi Baterai Saat Ini dan Masa Depan content media

Society of Renewable Energy Universitas Indonesia

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