Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika FMIPA Universitas Padjadjaran Proudly presents:
✨Technopreneur 2020✨
This year's theme :
“Startup Mastermind : Integrated Ideation"
This year, Technopreneur is coming back with a very different concept. Surely it will be more interesting and useful for everyone!
🗓️ Waktu Pendaftaran : 1 Juli - 15 Agustus 2020
🗓️ Pengumuman tim terpilih : 20 Agustus 2020
🗓️ Seminar dan Workshop : 12 - 13 September 2020
🗓️ Presentasi : 10 Oktober 2020
🗓️ Penghargaan : 11 Oktober 2020
Please pay attention to the important dates and prepare for the requirement files that are needed to be accounted.
LINK Pendaftaran
Workshop : bit.ly/Technopreneur-PendaftaranSeminar
Seminar : bit.ly/Technopreneur-PendaftaranSeminar
Guidebook Workshop : bit.ly/Technopreneur_Guidebook
🏆 3 tim terbaik akan meraih kesempatan untuk menjadi bagian dari komunitas startup Block71
So, what are you waiting for? Great chances like this won't come twice, join us now!
📞 Contact Person
🔸 Rahma Batari
Line : rhbatari
🔸 Diandha Carnatia
Line : diandhacarnatia
You can also find us on:
▪️ LINE IFEST: @grd1693d
▪️ LINE Technopreneur: @den2373a
▪️ Website: ifest.id
▪️ Instagram IFEST: @ifestunpad
▪️ Instagram Technopreneur: @technopreneur2020
▪️ Email: informaticsfest@gmail.com