"God doesnt check your bank account, he is checking your faith"
Ratio Entrepreneur:
Indonesia 3%
Singapore 7%
USA 12%
Indonesia NEED you!
Indonesia CALL you!
We should increase our ENTREPRENEUR ratio for make a better Indonesia
Can you visualize and feel how Indonesia looks like with 12% entrepreneur? YES, exactly like USA or maybe more.
Bukan dirimu yang bekerja untuk uang, Biarkan uang yang bekerja untukmu. Mau? Lets make ur "magic" comes true! Cause MAGIC isnt in a fairy tale, its REAL! LET US TELL YOU HOW IT WORKS

Join in, feel in, PROVE it:
▪ Hopon 2017
▪ Saturday, 28th October 2017
▪ at Ballroom PT Indosat
Ticket price only 20k!
1. Transfer your payment to BSM a/n Annisa Rahmani 7096165824 2. Confirm your payment by sending your Name - phone number - email via whatsapp to Fatin (085716356306)
See you soon, a millionare wannabe!