Kegiatan ini merupakan serangkaian acara yang terdiri atas talkshow, exhibition dan competition. Adapun tema yang diusung yaitu Nanotechnology in Sustainable Agriculture : Solution for Challenges in era 4.0. Dengan semangat BSC pada tagline “Inspire the Future”, kegiatan ini dirancang untuk mendorong peserta agar mampu berimajinasi dan berpikir jauh ke depan, bagaimana arah perkembangan teknologi di masa mendatang serta bagaimana strategi supaya dapat terlibat/menjadi bagian dari perkembangan teknologi tersebut.
Bogor Science Club IPB University proudly presents BSC EXPO 2.0.
with the topic is “Nanotechnology in Sustainable Agriculture: Solution for Challenges in era 4.0”. This expo have three events which are Talkshow, Nano Products Exhibition, and Poster Competition.
This event will be attended by the amazing speakers such as:
Prof. Dr. Nurul Taufiqu Rochman, M.Eng.Dr. Etik Mardliyati, M.Eng.Hardi Junaedi, S.T.
You will get sertificate and snack. Let’s get your seat by registering yourself in this link

Limited seat just for 250 participants. Registration will be closed on November 4th 2019.