In partnership with Deloitte, ISCC is back with a challenging real-life case for you to solve!
Register yourself now through www.binus-iscc.com to get a special price!
Regular Price
HS: Rp 250 000
Univ: Rp 300 000
Please contact BASIS Official LINE@ @utk9300d to request for our Registration Brochure. We are open to any questions and stay tuned for more updates!
Join our competition to win in a total grand prize of IDR 60,000,000. Become a thriving IT-preneur by analyzing, strategizing, and producing your one-of-a-kind solutions for real-world cases!
For more information about the competition and registration, kindly proceed to:
Contact via WhatsApp:
University Shania +6287776005512
High School Jessica +6287887178866
Contact via LINE:
BASIS Official Line@ -> @utk9300d
#BINUSInternational #ISCC2018 #ISCC #BINUS #University #Indonesia #Competition #SistemInformasi #Teknologi #Tech #TechCompetition #InformationSystem #KompetisiJakarta #lomba #lombajakarta #universitas #universitylife #highschoolcompetition #highshool #lombasma #universitycompetition #lombasisteminformasi #lombabisnis #lombasistemkesehatan #casecompetition #gooutofyourcomfortzone #earlybird #doyourbest #theearlybirdcatchestheworm #challengeyourself