B.O.Economica Faculty of Economics and Business University of Indonesia presents ESPRESSO: An annual open discussion. With our grand theme 'Hypenomics: The Value of Exclusivity', we will discuss what defines streetwear and hype, along with how it affects consumer behavior, and what implications we can draw for modern society.
Our discussion will be brought by our amazing speakers:p
* Max Suriaganda (Footurama)
*Sarah Soeprapto* (1percent.lab)
* Lynda Ibrahim (The Jakarta Post)
* Bhisma S. Diandra as moderator (Darahkubiru)
The event will be held at
Place: Block71, Kuningan, South Jakarta
Date: Friday, November 23rd 2018
Time: 18.00 - 21.00 WIB
Feel the hype already? Secure your seat by filling up our reservation form Bit.ly/RSVPEspresso
For further information, reach us on our social media
Line: @rzm4914b
Instagram: espresso_boe
Contact Person: 087762092038 (Tata)
See you there!