The moments when you have to give your conventional money to pay for your daily needs might soon come to an end. The prospect of the use of electronic money is expected to change the society, and we are here to bring you the only talk you need to hear in facing the future of "ELECTRONIC MONEY AND INTEGRATED PAYMENT"
Place : Student Centre 2nd Floor FEB UI, Depok
Date : Saturday, 13th of May 2017
Time : 09:00 - 12.30 AM
The knowledge is free but the seat is limited.
Make sure to reserve your hot seat! Register yourself at http://bit.ly/FormPendaftaranETD For further information: - 089638377725 (Yusuf) - 082112610757 (line) firzalasmana (Firza) Biro Hubungan Luar dan Divisi Kajian KANOPI FEB UI 2017 Unity in Development