As a platform that brings valuable insights and inspirations from prominent jazz musicians, this year’s theme is about: “Jazz Consumers”.
Which will be held on:
Date: Saturday, November 3rd 2018
Place: Conclave Wijaya
Time: 13.00 - 18.00
▪ Beben Jazz (Musician)
▪ Rahmania Astrini (Rising Star Musician)
▪ Khirzan Nazar Noe’man (Marketing Director PT. Radio Ilnafir KLCBS)
▪ Rafi Muhammad (Art of Tree Drummer)
A great opportunity lies in front of your eyes, for RSVP:
▪ Marsha (081286131499)
▪ Shamira (081288157070)
▪ Limited seats available!
The 41st Jazz Goes To Campus presents to you our #SharingAtConclave: JGTC TALKSHOW! Raising the topic of "The Jazz Consumer", our talkshow will be free of charge, but seats are limited, so hurry and secure your spot now! #BringTheJazzOn!