Oh snap! Wazzzzaaaap, fellow fans of Tunas Muda. Yes, you! Props to you, you waited a whole entire yEAR for the ‘hella cool’ annual event, the TUNAS MUDA PRIDE CUP. We need you to call ‘dibs’ on these dates aka cancel all your plans, turn off your radio and open your ears. Put stickers on your calendars from the 22nd until 29th of September! It’s the date of our cup, obvi. The official name for this year’s TM PRIDE CUP 2018 is RETROSPECTIVE, A BLAST TO THE PAST. Colouring your life with nothing but retro vibes (aka “we have good news”), we’re inviting all schools from Jabodetabek to be a part of our upcoming cup! Gonna be totes’ fun! Here are the contact numbers of our “crew” and the competitions:
Mini soccer:
- Michelle Antonia (0819 08886609)/ Shan (081281861083)
- Robertus Jonathan Indradjaja (0816766213)/ Janice Gifano Oenardi (087775457909)
- Reina Lee (081296022133)
Short film:
- Nethania Abigail (08111628010)
Fashion challenge:
- Ariel Amoretta (085775494433)
- Bernita Nicola (082255995609)
- Vanessa Argo (08118909211)
Modern dance:
- Kezia Nathania (0878-8386-8989)
We hope your crunked (hyped up!) by this ‘mail’ that you’ve just recieved. Can’t wait to catch you playin’ in the field, drawin on a 120x240cm board, or just watchin’ your friends ball up! Catch ya later, alligator!