Registration Period
June 8th - June 28th 2020 .
Part of Nationwide IFest Competitions where you could compete by turning your creative and innovative ideas to a Web or Android Application.
This year’s Theme : “Turn Your Innovation Into Action”
This competition is intended for High School/Vocational High School Students and S1 / D4 / D3 Students. In this competition there are two rounds, the first is the preliminary round where participants submit proposals and videos about innovation. The second half, participants presented their work.
Register Your Team Now!
Further info
Contact Person
1. Name : Muhammad Fahmi Alwan
Phone Number : +6281224820457
Line : fahmi765 .
2. Name : Rahman
Phone Number : +6287777792710
Line : abdurrahmanm
You can also find us on:
▪️ LINE IFEST: @grd1693d
▪️ LINE Technopreneur: @den2373a
▪️ Website: ifest.id
▪️ Instagram IFEST: @ifestunpad
▪️ Instagram Technopreneur: @technopreneur2020
▪️ Email: informaticsfest@gmail.com