Have you signed yourself up to the Annual SAEED National Competition? This one is too good to pass. You'll never know how great your skills are if you never try to join a competition Annual SAEED National Competition: "Rise of Civilization" Speech Elementary School 115K/Person Junior High School 125 K/Person Senior High School 175K/Person Varsity 225K/Person Newscasting Senior High School 175K/Person Varsity 225K/Person Paper Presentation Senior High School 175K/Person Varsity 225K/Person
Story Telling Junior High School 125K/Person Senior High School 175K/Person Varsity 225K/Person Spelling Bee Senior High School 150K/Person Varsity 200K/Person Scrabble Junior High School 100K/Person Senior High School 125K/Person Varsity 175K/Person Debate Varsity 450K/Team Place: UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. AH Nasution No. 105 Date: 14-16 April 2017