AIESEC in Universitas Indonesia proudly present LEADTalk and Job Fair 2017 with “Envisioning 2030 SDGs: Achieving Productive and Decent Work for All People by Developing Opportunities and Seeking Potential” as the grand theme. This prestigious event consists of Talkshow ( 4 Nov 2017 at Auditorium Vokasi UI) and Jobfair. (9-10 Nov 2017 at Balairung UI).
The Job Fair is FREE and OPEN FOR PUBLIC.
For the Talkshow, you should book your seat by register at bit.ly/LEADTALKANDJOBFAIR2017 and get the ticket. Limited Seats Available!
Register now and get yourself ready for a better future career!
Contact Person: Avivah (087872277147/ Line: avivahrahma)