There are couple things we love about entrepreneurship. In today’s day and age there is a growing potential of young people who find themselves out of school with no way to obtain a steady income. Many of them have the dreams of doing something productive and successful in their life and to be well established with their financial needs. That is why we initiate a campaign that will encourage young people to start investing for themselves by expanding the awareness of entrepreneurs.
Support and join our movement to raise the awareness of entrepreneurs by sharing your insights and thoughts about why being an entrepreneur is important for the future.
Send your picture to iyp.jakarta@inv-youthproject.org with subject "DWC 2 - Campaign" to participate on our campaign. The details for procedures will be delivered via email.
3 best insights and thoughts will receive a free invitation to attend Gala Dinner.
#EntrepreneurMuda #DinnerwithCEOs #IYPJakarta