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Sexy Friday with Sexy Dancer

Ssssttt... there is something sexy in town! don think, just come here and join us! GP Bar & Lounge present SEXY FRIDAY Performing: Sexy Dancer at GP Bar & Lounge, Jl.Batu Tulis Raya no.23, 1st floor Jakarta Pusat on Friday, 11 December 2015 Starts at 6 PM SPECIAL OFFER: 5 Ladies In 1 Group GET 1 FREE COCKTAIL PITCHER WITH OUR BEST RESIDENT DJ D888 | T-Mike888 Ovi888 | Jo888 Ted888 De Lucky (Yakuza) Bring Ur friends and we’ll take care the rest INFO/RSVP BBM (Grid) 5AF65853 Mobile 0877 77 809 909 Official SOSMED : Fan Page: gpbarlounge Twitter : @gpbarlounge Instagram : gpbarlounge PATH : gpbarlounge

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